Becoming truly confident in yourself and your body is tough, there may be moments you struggle with. It will all be worth it, I promise. However to be successful you need to make sure that you stop doing these 5 …
Body Beautiful is here !
I am so excited to finally share with you my exciting new project that is very close to my heart. I’m have created an ebook! Not any old ebook it is a 2 step starter kit to help you realise …
How to be Positive
This post is inspired by a chat I had with the amazing Kat Horrocks for a new video series on her channel, yes I am going to be on a you tube video ! I don’t want to give too …
Embrace it own it
STOP Write down 3 things you love about your body – it can be anything: physical, mental, something that is unique to you GO …. Did you found that easy or hard? Could you even do it or was there …
Body Dysmorphia … Do one!!
A break from my usual content to bring you a very personal post about my struggles and where I am at at the moment. I understand it won’t be everyones cup of tea but hopefully some of you will read …