To Myself …

Sometimes we should treat ourselves like we would a loved one, not in a vain superior way but in a way of acknowledgement, love and thanks. With that in mind I wanted to just take the time and put fingers to keyboard and type this up.

Dear Vicki, There is so much more to life than the number on the scale or the size of your clothes and the day this was realised was the start of a whole new adventure. The past does not defy you it only makes you stronger. I am sorry it took so long for us to realise how strong and beautiful we are as a person. A new found confidence that needs to be utilised and don’t anyone stop you. There is no need for comparison or flaw picking as we are all unique and that is what makes us special.

Here are some thank yous …


Thank you for all you coped with and putting up with us

Thank you for being strong

Thank you for being flexible and adaptable

Thank you for being able to run races, lift weights, dance on stages and then some#

Thank you for growing, changing and getting healthier

And thank your for helping us to become the best version of me


Thank you for finally embracing and accepting who we are

Thank you for understanding that change needed to happen

Thank you for seeing the positives even when the negatives were strong

Thank you for acknowledging and wanting to know more

Thank you for letting things go

And thank you for the passion to help others


Thank you for the personality

Thank you for the confidence in ourselves eventually

Thank you for the compassion

Thank you for the strength and determination

Thank you for the love

And thank you that in the end you don’t let anyone else determine your happiness. I know there was a long period of time we strived for others approval, easily manipulated and made to feel small, our happiness depended on what others thought rather than listening.

It’s our time to show others our true selves and hopefully help as many as we can along the way.

Stay Fabulous !!!!! xxx

Bikini; Zaful PC: Elliot