Showing: 21 - 30 of 31 Articles
Be Confident

How to be Positive

This post is inspired by a chat I had with the amazing Kat Horrocks for a new video series on her channel, yes I am going to be on a you tube video ! I don’t want to give too …

Be Confident

A journey of the mind

I talk a lot about my physical journey or at least that is what people are more aware of. However it is my mindset that has had the biggest transformation. 7 years ago I was an insecure, obsessive, negative thinking …

Be Confident

A letter of Love

To Myself … Sometimes we should treat ourselves like we would a loved one, not in a vain superior way but in a way of acknowledgement, love and thanks. With that in mind I wanted to just take the time …

Be Confident

Body Confidence chats

Lets get chatty for a moment. On Monday evening I did an Instagram Stories takeover for WeBlogMCR to talk about all things body confidence. It was way out of my comfort zone as I hate speaking on a camera and …

Be Confident

Embrace it own it

STOP Write down 3 things you love about your body – it can be anything: physical, mental, something that is unique to you GO …. Did you found that easy or hard? Could you even do it or was there …