Move Your Body

My Top 5 exercises, Cardio

This tends to get a bad rep in the fitness industry but there are so many benefits 💦improved heart health 💦releases feel good hormones 💦increases metabolism 💦improved mental state and health Doing any exercise that will get your heart rate …

Move Your Body

Do it for health

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ World Health Organisation The fitness and health industry seems to be more about the fitness element and less about the …

Find The Balance

Why complicate it?

Its 2017 and we are still getting bombarded with skinny teas, lose 7lbs in 7 day starvation diets, meal replacement shakes and juice cleanses. The celeb world are endorsing things they don’t use and bringing out plans with no training. …

Move Your Body

Confidence is key

Ladies 🙂 time for an updated version I want to share with you my top tips to being confident in the weights area so you can truly embrace it and get those workouts done. You can have all the good …

Be Confident

Embrace it own it

STOP Write down 3 things you love about your body – it can be anything: physical, mental, something that is unique to you GO …. Did you found that easy or hard? Could you even do it or was there …